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Ah, rejection Mon, 23rd October 2017I got my first publisher rejection for THE CURSED MAN today. Disappointing, but these things happen. The publisher said that they enjoyed the plot and thought that Duncan was a great character, but they ultimately weren't fond of the flashback sequences in the book. Funnily enough, the flashbacks were an afterthought to the story; I added them in after the first draft was complete, as I felt there was something missing. Also, the nature of the story means that it's largely impossible to show the back story any other way. There aren't that many of them, to be fair, and I purposely kept them short, so as not to distract too much from the main plot; I'd not want to remove them, because they add depth and texture to Duncan and his friends, so here's hoping if another publisher considers the book they will think differently. Onwards! Related News
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